Thursday, 29 December 2016

Up the duff

Where does that phrase even come from? I'll look it up after I've written this. Anyway, whatever it's origin, we are it, which is to say we're pregnant. Or, to be biologically pedantic, Kasia is pregnant, while I am looking on with interest, although still very much involved. I'm going nowhere. Look, you get the idea: she's going to be a mum and I'm going to be a dad. Shit, that sounds mental. Future-person is due to get really personny around the end of March, in the year of our lord 2017.

I thought I would write down some things about being pregnant and how we've been finding it and then put it on the internet, because that's the sort of thing everyone does nowadays and I don't want to be left out. Also, we're planning on having a bit of a social media black-out when shit gets really real - hey there's something I can write about already! - so maybe the words that turn up on here should be seen as a concession to our times, or maybe it's just a diary of thoughts that nobody will read anyway because nobody reads anymore, or maybe it will be something else entirely, although I doubt it.

It will just be words though. Like I said, we've decided to keep future-person offline (within reason, we're not Amish or anything), so if you want cute baby pictures you'll need to go elsewhere. There's shit-loads of that sort of thing available online. That sounded weird. Let's move on.

Deciding to bring another person into the world is easily one of the biggest things - let's face it, probably the biggest - we've done together. It puts that time we bought new curtains for the dining room totally in the shade. And yet, shit loads of people are doing it, which renders our experience totally unremarkable to loads of people, except to us for whom its really remarkable. And yet I'm writing about it, as if someone - anyone - else might want to read about it. There's a paradox in there somewhere, if only I could dig it out, give it a polish and raise it to the light. Never mind.

We're pregnant. There's gonna be a kid. I'm gonna write about it a bit.

That's all you need to know for now. We're up the duff, and you're up to date.

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